Free Foundation Websites
for Law Firms

Establish your firm’s online presence with a free single-page website

Get your law firm
online, quickly
A strong online presence is necessary for law firms of all sizes. But we also understand that having something is better than having nothing at all!
Our Foundation websites are designed specifically for law firms looking to establish their digital footprint quickly and effectively.

What’s included?

A Foundation website is perfect for law firms that need an online presence
but aren’t ready for a full-scale website. This service includes:

Your law firm’s logo

Proudly display your firm’s visual identity with a prominent logo placement.

Your contact information

Displaying your address, phone number and email on your Foundation website ensures clients and referrers can easily get in touch.

Professional design

A clean, modern design that reflects the professionalism of your firm.

Quick setup

Get online in less than 48 hours with our hassle-free setup process.

Expert support 

Our legal marketing experts are here to assist you every step of the way.

Easy to upgrade

As your firm grows, you can easily transition to our Website Essentials package.

Why would I want a Foundation website for my law firm?

Here’s why Pillar & Scroll’s Foundation websites are a great choice:

No cost to you

Absolutely free with no hidden fees.

Tailored for law firms

Our Foundation template is specifically crafted to meet the needs of legal professionals.

Professional presence

A Foundation page is far more impactful than a generic ‘This domain is parked free’ message. It conveys professionalism and helps you make a strong first impression.


How it


Provide your details

Share your logo, contact information and any specific details you want on your page.

Approve the design

We will create your Foundation website and ask for your approval.

Go live

We help you connect your domain to the website and get it live within 48 hours.

Take the first step towards a stronger online presence.


Frequently Asked Questions

At Pillar & Scroll, we believe in supporting entrepreneurial law firms by providing essential digital marketing tools that help them thrive. Offering a free service helps us build long-term relationships and demonstrate our commitment to your success.

We aim to showcase our capabilities and the quality of our work through this free service. By providing a valuable service at no cost, we hope to build trust and encourage you to consider us for more comprehensive marketing needs in the future.

Additionally, each Foundation website includes a small backlink to our site, which helps us enhance our online presence and demonstrates our collaborative partnership.

No, there are no hidden costs or obligations attached to this offer. Our goal is to help you establish an online presence quickly and easily. If you're satisfied with your free website, we hope you'll consider us for additional services as your firm grows.
No, there is no obligation to purchase additional services. We provide the free Foundation website with no strings attached. However, if you find value in our work, we hope you'll consider us for your future marketing needs.
Our process is designed to be quick and hassle-free. Once you sign up and provide your details, we'll have your Foundation website live in 2 business days (48 hours). To meet this deadline, we will require your approval within 24 hours of providing you with a link.

We recommend registering your domain name through GoDaddy. GoDaddy is a reliable and user-friendly platform for purchasing and managing domain names. Once you have your domain, we can help you set it up so that it points to your new Foundation website.

If you do not have some of the details requested in the form, no worries! We can help you get everything set up and simply hide sections that don’t apply to your firm or will require updating at a later date. For example, if you don't have a logo yet, we can create a simple, text-based logo for the time being.
We offer unlimited edits within the provided framework. This means you can request changes and adjustments to your Foundation page to ensure it meets your expectations. (Please note that additional customisations or information beyond the provided framework cannot be included.)

Terms & Conditions

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Vivamus elit nisl, imperdiet vel quam sed, ultrices commodo urna. Integer nec hendrerit lectus. Sed ut nisl arcu. Integer faucibus nec purus et sollicitudin. Vivamus ac finibus diam. Duis ornare ultrices mi, quis porttitor dolor eleifend sed. Phasellus neque nunc, mollis a erat et, pulvinar faucibus lacus. Aenean laoreet bibendum nisl ac vulputate. Phasellus venenatis quis nibh sit amet cursus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec posuere in nulla vitae facilisis. Maecenas eget gravida lorem. Pellentesque in elit orci. Nulla fringilla nisl eget tellus sodales commodo.

Sed ac vulputate enim. Donec auctor nisl id arcu imperdiet, vel accumsan risus gravida. Sed risus elit, efficitur vitae tincidunt ut, semper vitae lacus. Vestibulum non eleifend elit. Vestibulum tincidunt, erat id aliquam hendrerit, tortor odio congue massa, id elementum mauris tellus ac turpis. Fusce consectetur interdum volutpat. Sed egestas ultrices vehicula. Etiam vitae semper purus.

Pellentesque laoreet fermentum urna, eget dignissim arcu aliquam sit amet. Pellentesque in dui eleifend urna mollis vulputate. Nunc quis vulputate velit. Nulla facilisi. Nam posuere dolor ac justo feugiat, et egestas orci fringilla. In vestibulum ante dolor, ac tempus quam feugiat in. Praesent aliquam enim in tellus euismod, eget finibus magna fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Cras porta ultricies felis, tempus porta mauris ornare sit amet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam eu nisi mi. Donec fringilla tellus enim, at commodo odio auctor eu. Etiam sit amet ex libero. In pharetra dictum justo bibendum tempor. Ut ac massa iaculis, posuere ex vitae, volutpat dolor. Donec bibendum nec sem vel commodo.

Curabitur ipsum metus, ornare sit amet lobortis ac, vehicula quis ante. Fusce sem velit, efficitur non velit in, ornare fermentum tellus. Sed in luctus lectus. Pellentesque ac eros lobortis, auctor libero at, auctor purus. Morbi dui risus, ullamcorper in diam id, vulputate feugiat nibh. In luctus neque vitae tellus auctor placerat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Ut vel diam metus.