
Marketing Your Law Firm's Office Move: Ideas for Partners and Practice Managers

Recently, a practice manager from a Sydney firm asked about capitalising on their upcoming office move. It’s a common question, especially as many firms are relocating to accommodate growth or adapt to new working patterns. The marketing opportunities extend far beyond simply updating your address.

Watch our video response:

Understanding Your Move's Context

Before diving into specific marketing activities, consider the context of your move. Are you relocating due to growth, a merger, or simply because your lease is expiring? This context shapes how you communicate the change and what opportunities you might leverage.

For instance, a growth-driven move presents natural opportunities to discuss your firm’s evolution and future plans. A merger-related relocation might focus more on expanded capabilities and combined expertise. Even a simple lease expiry can be positioned as an investment in better facilities for clients and staff.

Before the Move: Essential Updates

Success lies in the details. Here’s what needs attention before the move:

Your digital presence requires systematic updates:

  • Google Business Profile (crucial for avoiding frustrated clients trying to find your new location)
  • Website contact pages and location maps
  • Social media profile information
  • Online directories and listings
Then there’s your business collateral:
  • Email signatures across the firm
  • Business cards (consider if you need temporary cards)
  • Invoice templates and letterheads
  • Email marketing templates
Pro tip: Create a master list of everywhere your address appears. You’d be surprised how many places it shows up.

During the Move: Team Engagement

Your team can be your best ambassadors during the relocation. We’ve seen firms create excitement and engagement through:

Meeting room naming competitions

  • Use local landmarks
  • Reference noteworthy judges in your practice area
  • Incorporate elements of your firm’s history

Team celebration ideas:

  • Host a small catered event for staff and families
  • Create a photo timeline of the old office
  • Document the move for future marketing content

After the Move: Marketing Opportunities

Here’s where strategic thinking pays off:

Client and Referrer Communication:

  • Keep initial announcements brief and focused
  • Send updates from individual partners rather than the firm
  • Consider timing – Friday afternoons often see better response rates


  • Consider pairing your office opening with another milestone
  • Post-pandemic, standalone office events see lower attendance
  • Focus on quality interactions over quantity of guests

Digital Content:

  • Create a professional office tour video
  • Share progress photos on social media
  • Update your website with new imagery

Email Campaign Strategy: The goal is engagement, not just information sharing. We’ve found:

  • Partner-sent emails get better response rates than firm-wide announcements
  • Brief, personal messages work better than formal notifications
  • Including a specific reason to respond increases engagement

Making Your Signage Work

Signage strategy varies by location:

CBD Offices:

  • Focus on lobby directory and floor signage
  • Ensure reception signage aligns with your brand
  • Consider wayfinding from lift wells

Suburban/Regional Offices:

  • External building signage becomes more valuable
  • Street visibility can aid local recognition
  • Consider environmental factors in signage design

Strategic Implementation Timeline

Three months before:

  • Audit all address instances
  • Plan communication sequence
  • Order updated collateral

One month before:

  • Begin updating digital profiles
  • Prepare client communications
  • Finalise event plans if applicable

Week of move:

  • Update Google Business Profile
  • Send client notifications
  • Post social media updates

First month after:

  • Monitor for any missed address instances
  • Gather team feedback
  • Document lessons learned

Ready to get started?

Remember these key points:

  • Start early with your planning
  • Think beyond just address updates
  • Use the move to strengthen relationships
  • Document everything for future reference

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Picture of <span class="fw-light">Written by </span>Paul Evans, <span class="fw-light">CEO</span>
Written by Paul Evans, CEO

Paul Evans is a legal marketing expert with extensive experience helping lawyers build their practices.  


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