
Should our website use pop-ups?

A website pop-up is a graphical user interface (GUI) element that appears on top of the content of a website. It is usually a small box or window that “pops up” onto the screen, overlaying the existing web page.

Pop-ups are designed to grab the attention of website visitors and often serve a variety of purposes, such as providing information, prompting an action, or collecting user data.

There is no definitive answer to the question of whether your law firm’s website should make use of pop-ups. It often depends on the nature of the content on the page underneath a pop-up. However it will also be a reflection of how a given firm communicates with its clients, referrers and prospects, as well as how it collects information and leads – and what it then does with that data. Ultimately, it is up to each firm to decide whether or not to use pop-ups.

Some things to consider when making this decision include:

  • The purpose of the pop-up: is the pop-up designed to collect potential clients’ contact information? If so, you may want to consider using them.
  • The frequency of the pop-up: how often will the pop-up appear on your law firm’s website? If the pop-up is set to appear too frequently, potential clients may find it annoying and be less likely to use your law firm’s website.
  • The design of the pop-up: is the pop-up well-designed and easy to close? If not, potential clients may find it difficult to close the pop-up and be less likely to use your law firm’s website.
Picture of <span class="fw-light">Written by </span>Paul Evans, <span class="fw-light">CEO</span>
Written by Paul Evans, CEO

Paul Evans is a legal marketing expert with extensive experience helping lawyers build their practices.  

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