
Starting the Conversation: How to Initiate Accounting Referral Partnerships for Lawyers

“There’s an accounting firm in my building. I often bump into one of their Partners at the coffee shop downstairs and want to suggest a referral relationship, but I’m not sure what to say…”

This question from David, a partner at a Melbourne commercial and property firm, highlights a common challenge for lawyers: knowing how to initiate potentially valuable referral relationships with accountants.

The hesitation is understandable. Most lawyers recognise the value of accounting referral partnerships but struggle with that first conversation. At its core, this is a question about confidence – and with good reason. Approaching these conversations incorrectly can feel awkward and uncomfortable for both parties.

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Why Accounting Referral Partnerships Matter

Strong referral relationships between lawyers and accountants create natural opportunities for both professionals. Your clients need accounting services, their clients need legal services, and a trusted recommendation is valuable currency in professional services.

The benefits extend beyond simple referrals. Accountants can provide valuable insights that enhance your legal advice, while your legal expertise can help them better serve their clients. These complementary services create the foundation for partnerships that benefit everyone, especially your clients.

Common Mistakes When Approaching Accountants

Before we explore practical approaches, let’s address what doesn’t work. Many accountants report being frustrated by lawyers who:

  • Treat the relationship as a one-way street
  • Immediately ask for referrals without offering value
  • Approach without understanding what the accountant needs
  • Make vague requests that put the burden on the accountant

Here’s what a poor approach might sound like:

“Hi [accountant], I saw on your firm’s LinkedIn page that you do a lot of property development work. Do any of your clients ever ask for introductions to lawyers? If so, I’d love to catch up for coffee.”

This approach is problematic because it:

  • Focuses entirely on what you want
  • Offers nothing of value to the accountant
  • Makes the coffee meeting seem self-serving

Reframing Your Approach: The Reciprocity Principle

The fundamental shift needed is approaching these conversations from a place of reciprocity rather than need. When speaking with accountants about their experiences with lawyers, a common theme emerges: they’re tired of lawyers treating them simply as referral sources without considering what value they can offer in return.
To build confidence for these conversations, ask yourself: “What can I offer this accountant?” This might include:

  • Potential client referrals
  • Ad-hoc legal advice for their quick questions
  • Educational content for their clients
  • Joint marketing opportunities
  • Complementary expertise in areas their clients need

By entering the conversation with something to offer, you immediately differentiate yourself from the countless other lawyers seeking referrals.

Practical Conversation Starters

The "So Do We" Technique

This approach immediately establishes common ground and implies the potential for reciprocity:

“Hi [Name], I noticed on your firm’s LinkedIn page that you do a lot of work with [specific client type/industry]. So do we. I’d love to grab a coffee sometime to see if there are ways we might be able to help each other’s clients.”

By saying “so do we,” you’re implying that:

  • There’s potential for reciprocity
  • You could introduce them to your clients
  • You’re playing the same game, just in different positions

This simple phrase dramatically shifts the dynamic of the conversation. Don’t be surprised if they respond, “I’m free now” – so be prepared for an immediate discussion!

The Seminar/Event Collaboration Approach

If you don’t have an existing client base in the same area, consider this alternative approach:

“Hi [Name], I noticed your firm does significant work with [specific client type/industry]. My team is planning a seminar on [relevant legal topic] for these clients, and we’re looking for someone to speak about the accounting/tax implications. Would you or someone from your firm be interested in helping out?”

This approach works because it:

  • Makes it easy for the accountant to say yes
  • Gives them a clear, limited commitment
  • Allows them to delegate if needed
  • Puts you on their radar in a positive way
  • Creates the opportunity for further conversation

You’re essentially doing all the work (organising the seminar) and offering them the opportunity to get in front of your audience. While you might need to actually plan this seminar after they agree, it’s a powerful way to begin the relationship.

Other Effective Icebreakers

Additional approaches that work include:

  • Offering to be available for their ad-hoc legal questions
  • Sharing a specific article or resource relevant to their practice area
  • Inviting them to a networking event you’re hosting
  • Mentioning a mutual client (with permission) and suggesting coordination

Following Through After Initial Contact

Once you’ve had that initial conversation, maintaining momentum is critical:

Set Concrete Next Steps

Don’t end the initial conversation without a clear next action:

  • Schedule a formal meeting with a specific agenda
  • Arrange to meet their team
  • Plan the collaborative event you’ve discussed
  • Establish when and how you’ll follow up

Demonstrate Value Quickly

After your first meaningful conversation, look for ways to provide immediate value:

  • Send that helpful article you mentioned
  • Make an introduction you promised
  • Share insights about a relevant legal development
  • Follow up with specifics about your proposed collaboration

Establish Clear Communication Protocols

Discuss how potential referrals will work:

  • How will introductions be made?
  • What information will be shared?
  • How will you keep each other updated?
  • What expectations do you both have around client communication?

Building Long-Term Value

The most successful referral relationships extend beyond simple client exchanges:

Offer Ad-Hoc Advice

One of the most effective ways lawyers can help accountants is by being available for quick questions. Rather than requiring formal introductions to clients, offer to answer small queries the accountant might have directly:

“Feel free to call me anytime you have a quick legal question. If it requires formal advice, we can discuss engaging properly, but I’m happy to give general guidance on smaller matters.”

This availability creates goodwill and positions you as a valuable resource without requiring significant time commitment.

Create Joint Resources

Consider developing resources that benefit both your clients:

  • Co-branded guides on topics affecting both professions
  • Joint webinars addressing complementary issues
  • Shared client alerts about regulatory changes

Maintain Regular Contact

The strongest referral relationships develop through consistent interaction:

  • Schedule quarterly catch-ups
  • Share relevant updates about your practice
  • Acknowledge referrals promptly and show genuine appreciation
  • Look for opportunities to refer work back to them

Key Takeaways

Initiating accounting referral partnerships doesn’t have to be awkward when you approach the conversation with the right mindset. The key is extending the olive branch first – offering value before asking for anything in return.

Remember these key principles:

  • Lead with what you can offer, not what you hope to receive
  • Make it easy for the accountant to say yes
  • Be specific about how you can work together
  • Follow through quickly on any commitments

By focusing on creating mutually beneficial relationships, you’ll build partnerships that deliver value to your firm, your referral partners, and most importantly, your clients.

Next Steps: Identify one accountant you regularly encounter and apply one of these conversation starters this week. Come prepared with a clear understanding of what you can offer them, and be ready to suggest specific ways you might work together. Remember – the best referral relationships start with reciprocity, not requests.

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Picture of <span class="fw-light">Written by </span>Paul Evans, <span class="fw-light">CEO</span>
Written by Paul Evans, CEO

Paul Evans is a legal marketing expert with extensive experience helping lawyers build their practices.  

Referral Marketing

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