
Marketing Spotlights:
On-Demand Marketing Consulting 
for Law Firms

Our Marketing Spotlights quickly bring clarity and purpose to your law firm's marketing by zeroing in on a single challenge or opportunity.

Marketing strategy and plans to ensure every marketing dollar and minute you spend is not wasted

In these sessions, we help you define a core opportunity or problem and then build a practical action plan that addresses it directly.

It’s a fast track to clear, actionable marketing advice.

Your path to marketing clarity:
the 4-step Spotlight process
Our Marketing Spotlight service follows a streamlined four-step process designed to address
your law firm’s specific marketing challenges or opportunities quickly.
Pre-consultation preparation
You share: Send us background information about your marketing challenge or opportunity.
We analyse: Our team thoroughly reviews all materials before the Spotlight call.
You share: This preparation ensures a focused and productive consultation.
The Spotlight consultation
Duration: 90-minute video call
Discussion: We explore your challenge in-depth, asking targeted questions to understand your firm’s unique situation.
Ideation: Together, we brainstorm ideas that align with your firm’s strengths, personality, and resources.
Spotlight planning document creation
Our process: Our marketing experts conduct additional research and develop tailored solutions or campaigns.
Deliverable: A comprehensive 5-6 page document addressing your specific needs.
Timeframe: Delivered within two weeks of the consultation.
Spotlight walkthrough and refinement
Duration: 60-minute video call
Comprehensive explanation: We guide you through each section of the Spotlight Planning Document, ensuring you fully understand all recommendations and strategies.
Q&A: We address any questions or concerns you have about the proposed plan.
Final polish: Following the call, we’ll incorporate any agreed-upon changes, adjust based on your feedback and deliver the finalised document.

What’s inside your
spotlight planning document?

After your consultation, our team of marketing experts crafts a bespoke Spotlight Planning Document tailored to your law firm’s unique needs and challenges.
Document highlights
Centred around a detailed
5-6 page Action Plan.
Tailored Approach
Customised based on your consultation, our expertise, and your firm’s distinct personality, available resources, and specific goals

Quick Turnaround

Delivered within 2 weeks
of your consultation.
Key components
Situation overview
Strategic direction
Action plan (5-6 pages)
Bonus: Follow-up call

Keep your marketing efforts on track with a 30-minute check-in call, scheduled 30 to 60 days after your Spotlight Planning Document walkthrough.

This valuable session allows us to answer any questions, discuss your progress, address challenges, and refine strategies based on your implementation experience.

Optionally, use this call as an accountability measure to ensure your marketing efforts are underway and helping you achieve your goals.

Our satisfaction guarantee

We’re confident you’ll find immense value in our Spotlight Consultation. If you feel we’re not the perfect fit for your needs, we offer a full refund when requested in writing within 24 hours of your call.

This allows you to engage fully in the consultation without financial risk. After this window, we’ll proceed with creating your bespoke Spotlight document.


Marketing clarity for your law firm is only a few clicks away.


website pricing for busy lawyers

Expert legal marketing

Access our legal marketing experts to plan your law firm’s marketing
strategy and plan.

No-pressure strategic

Explore your firm's marketing potential freely, backed by our satisfaction guarantee for the Spotlight Consultation.

Marketing Spotlight Essentials

Everything your law firm needs to get helpful, actionable marketing clarity and direction


upfront payment


monthly fee
(for a minimum of 12 months)

Package Overview:
Please note that prices are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD).
Australian clients attract an additional 10% GST.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Marketing Spotlight service is designed for lawyers and law firms focusing on a single marketing problem or opportunity. It's ideal for scenarios such as growing a firm with a single practice area, developing a specific practice area within a larger firm, or creating a campaign for a particular initiative. While we can assist firms of various sizes, this service isn't meant to develop comprehensive, firm-wide strategies for large, multi-practice, multinational law firms. We reserve the right to decline work significantly outside our intended scope, with a full refund provided in such cases.

Our Marketing Spotlight service can assist with various focused marketing challenges. Here are some real examples we have delivered:
  • Helping the principal at a three-person law firm identify their target market and build a marketing strategy around referral relationships, a partnership with a specific association, and rolling out a content program to create awareness of their expertise and experience.
  • Assisting a 15-person law firm in developing an online campaign to attract legal talent.
  • Guiding the management team at a 30-person law firm in establishing a presence in a new city.
  • Supporting a newly appointed partner at a 50-person law firm with six existing practices in growing a practice area in an emerging field of law.
  • Helping a partner at a 30-person law firm exploit a niche in a highly competitive, broader area of law to develop a go-to-market strategy.

The package includes a 90-minute consultation and a comprehensive 5-6 page Action Plan delivered within 1-2 weeks. You'll also receive a recording of the consultation for future reference.

While not mandatory, providing some background information about your firm and current marketing efforts before the call is helpful. This allows us to make the most of our consultation time.

You'll have the option for a 30-minute follow-up call, typically scheduled 30-60 days after receiving your plan. This call allows us to answer questions, discuss progress, and refine strategies as needed.

If you would like additional support after the Action Plan, we have a number of service options that may be helpful to your law firm.

Our Marketing Spotlight is highly focused and action-oriented, backed by our extensive experience working exclusively with lawyers and law firms. Instead of providing general advice, we deliver a tailored strategy and specific, implementable steps for your unique situation.

Our deep understanding of the legal industry, its challenges, and opportunities allows us to offer insights and solutions that are directly relevant to your practice. This specialised knowledge, combined with our focused approach, ensures that you receive practical, effective strategies that are specifically designed for success in the legal market.

The process typically spans 2-3 weeks. This includes the initial 90-minute consultation, followed by 1-2 weeks for us to create your customized 5-6 page Action Plan.

We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you feel we're not the right fit after the Spotlight Consultation, you can request a full refund within 24 hours of the call.


Terms & Conditions

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